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Jobsupport is the leading employment service in Australia for people with intellectual disability
“My job has been great and I get to see my work friends everyday”
Denisse, Reception Coordinator
Jobsupport is the leading employment service in Australia for people with intellectual disability
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Jobsupport is the leading employment service in Australia for people with intellectual disability
“My job has been great and I get to see my work friends everyday”
Denisse, Reception Coordinator
Jobsupport is the leading employment service in Australia for people with intellectual disability
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Open Employment


Jobsupport helps people with significant intellectual disability (≤IQ 60) find a job in open employment.

This support is funded by the Commonwealth Disability Employment Services (DES) program.

If you are not eligible for Jobsupport we will help you identify suitable employment providers.


Jobsupport uses a 4-step assessment process to find the right job for you.

  1.  We gather background information that includes contacting your school and other services you may have accessed.
  2. Meet with you and your parents (or advocate).
  3. Conduct work trials based on your interests so we can learn about what support you need.
  4. Write a summary of all the information we gather during assessment and then search for a job that is right for you.

Job Search​

Job search is based on your choice and needs.

  • We make a list of possible employers that you can travel to by train or bus from home
  • We approach each employer on your behalf

Any potential work site is checked to ensure that a job placement will be good for you and the employer.

Job Training​

When you get a job, our staff provide one-to-one support from the first day of your job until you achieve the job standards required by your employer.

We make a Support Agreement with you and your employer. The individualised Support Agreement sets out the following:

  • Your job tasks,
  • The standards required for each job task,
  • Work Health and Safety requirements, and
  • The level of supervision your employer will provide you.

Ongoing Support

Our staff provide you and your employer with ongoing support for as long as you have the job.

The support is provided at the worksite and is determined by your needs and the employers needs.

Ongoing support can help with:

  • Any additional training,
  • Supporting new supervisors or co-workers, and
  • Any changes that may happen at the worksite.