Jobsupport specialises in providing high quality solutions for employers and support for job seekers and employees with significant intellectual disability.

All of Jobsupport’s services are rated 5 stars by the Commonwealth.
Jobsupport has the highest job placement and retention rate in Australia for jobseekers with an intellectual disability.
Jobsupport has the highest job placement and job retention rate in Australia for job seekers with intellectual disability. Jobsupport has the highest 52-week employment outcome rate in Australia (i.e more people that are funded get and retain the job for 52 weeks or more).
Jobsupport has the highest 52-week job retention rate in Australia (80.9% of jobs are retained for 52 weeks or more).
SLES Provider
School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) services are for people unable to move straight to employment. SLES services are based on the NSW Transition to Work (TTW) program. Jobsupport has achieved the highest outcome rates for TTW Services in NSW, with 62.5% achieving open employment compared to the NSW average of 26.3%. SLES results have not yet been published, they will be included when available.Latest News & Congratulations
Virginia Commonwealth University Course
The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU-RRTC) announces an online certificate course in “Open Employment Placement and Support Strategies for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability.” This four lesson, nine-week online course will provide participants the knowledge and skills that will enable them to improve their ability to use evidence based approaches to assessment, job development, job site support, and ongoing maintenance to improve the job placement and job maintenance rates for clients with an intellectual disability. At the end of the series, participants will be able to: Develop assessments plans and conduct situational assessments, work trials,
Rebecca, Mail Clerk, celebrates 10 years with Ernst and Young
Congratulations to Rebecca who has just celebrated 10 years in Ernst and Young’s Service Centre. Rebecca is proud of the new skills she has learnt in being professional and being part of a team, “Working at EY is great. I have met lots of people, I have amazing friends to share lunch and I work in an environment that is caring and supportive, my supervisor there and Jobsupport help me when I need it. This makes me so happy”.